
Today, we're going to talk about "Atari".
It sounds like a nice thing to say, but in a fashion sense, simply put,
when fibers are crushed and flattened by heat, pressure, friction, etc., they become shiny and worn.
Atari is a phenomenon that is particularly likely to occur in seams where fabric overlaps or in uneven areas.

In clothing production, it is considered unacceptable for new clothes to have "Atari".
Factory artisans are very careful to make sure that "Atari" does not appear.
However, in the world of secondhand clothing, "Atari" has value, and it is a very deep world of "Atari".
For example, if a 3cm seam is required for the hem of a dress or shirt, the hem is folded in three at 1.5mm to reduce the step as much as possible to reduce "Atari".

As an aside, doing so also means that you can make repairs to lengthen the length, and that fewer "atari" can make the repairs neater.

Sashiko dobby tapered pants
60% cotton, 40% linen / 3 sizes / 3 colors / ¥24,200 (tax included)
Kyoto store/Online SHOP/On sale now

The basic principle of Morikage shirts is to avoid "atari" as much as possible, but of course, depending on the fabric and design, there are some where the "atari" can be one of the charms.
For example, "Sashiko Dobby Pants (Balloon / Tapered)" is one of them.

"Sashiko Dobby" fabric has bumps, so friction is likely to occur in the convex parts, but there is less friction in the concave parts, so the color fading is well balanced and it is easy to create "atari" with atmosphere.
In addition, this fabric is woven softly using only natural fibers, and it becomes more comfortable with each wash, so you can enjoy the feeling of finishing it yourself.

If, over time, your personal habits become a part of your shirt, and you find it more comfortable and endearing, it would be a great joy for Morikage Shirts.

Sashiko Dobby Balloon Pants
60% cotton, 40%/ linen 2 sizes / 3 colors / ¥24,200 (tax included)
Kyoto store/Online SHOP/On sale now